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The step-by-step method to get your toddler talking

Worried that your toddler isn’t talking yet, but don’t know what to do?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that kids the same age are talking in sentences, yet your child barely says a few words.

Maybe you’ve tried singing, reading books, and repeating words, but you’re not seeing much progress.

Family and friends say to “give them time” but you’re worried they’ll fall further behind.

Well, here’s the good news. I can help!


My online course designed to teach you the simple method to help your toddler talk

My name is Emily Stajov. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist and creator of Teach Your Toddler To Talk. I’m passionate about giving parents the skills to improve their child’s communication.

The Story Behind Teach Your Toddler To Talk
  • Working in the public health system with huge caseloads and limited time to see clients, I knew I could do more to help parents.
  • I was frustrated by the long waitlists to see an SLP and realized that parents could be getting a jump start on helping their toddler before they even get an appointment.
  • I wanted to empower parents by giving them the knowledge and tools to be their child’s teacher.

I decided to break down what I know about early language development into a simple, easy to follow course that you can do from home in your pj’s.

Typical Language Development

12 months: 2-6 words

18 months: 50 words

24 months: 200-300 & 2-word phrases

30 months: 450 words

3 years: 1000 words & speaks in sentences

Where is your child at now?

If a child is behind in their talking at 18 months, it’s helpful to support their communication sooner rather than later.

Is your child behind?

If a toddler is late in his or her language development, parents will never regret acting early. They might, however, regret acting too late.

Elaine Weitzman, Speech-Language Pathologist

If a toddler is late in his or her language development, parents will never regret acting early. They might, however, regret acting too late.

Elaine Weitzman, Speech-Language Pathologist

I get emails from parents all the time saying that their toddler is not reaching their language milestones.

They are worried, and don’t know how to help.

Some people might say to “wait and see”, but this approach is outdated.

Why wait until they are further behind, when we can start helping them now?

We know that early intervention can make a big difference, and parents play a key role in improving their child’s language skills.


You can start helping your toddler improve their communication right now

Research Tells Us…

  • Helping late talkers early helps prevent future difficulties and increases their long-term success in language and literacy (Capone Singleton, 2018)
  • When parents learn strategies to help their late talker, it is just as effective, and often more effective, than when a speech pathologist provides therapy (Roberts, 2011)
By the end of this course, you will be able to: 
  • Motivate your child to communicate and try new words
  • Increase your child’s imitation skills to make talking easier
  • Help your child understand more words so they can say more words
  • Increase your child’s attention and engagement for learning language
  • Feel confident that you are doing the right thing to help them
All during your regular routines without any special toys or materials!
So…What is Teach Your Toddler To Talk?
  • Step-by-step video course designed to teach you the strategies to help your toddler talk.
  • Watch me explain the strategy, watch real parents show you with their own kids, then try it yourself!
  • Printable Course Guide with 20 pages of tips, games and activities
  • Login 24/7 from anywhere

Bonus #1: Talking Time Planner

Short on time? (Who isn’t?) Follow the planner where I tell you exactly which strategies to use each week, in just a few minutes a day

Bonus #2: Book Reading Tutorial

Discover how to make book reading FUN so your toddler actually wants to read with you


Lesson 1: Setting the Stage
  • Develop the foundational strategies for optimal communication
Lesson 2: Connect 
  • Connect with your toddler through simple, fun games to encourage communication. No special toys or materials required
Lesson 3: Build Understanding
  • Increase your child’s understanding of words during your daily routine and simple activities
Lesson 4: Imitating Gestures
  • Build imitation skills through gestures and sign language to help your toddler talk
Lesson 5: Imitating Sounds
  • Encourage your child to imitate sounds to help them imitate words
Lesson 6: Boosting Single Words
  • Increase your child’s vocabulary and get them talking more often
Lesson 7: From Words to Phrases
  • Use these simple strategies to help your toddler go from using single words to speaking in phrases and sentences

Bonus #1: Talking Time Planner

Bonus #2: Book Reading Tutorial

Printable Course Guide
  • Includes handouts for each lesson with more activity ideas
  • Share with your spouse, parents, or others in your child’s life

“Emily, thank you so much for all of your help! My son has learned so many words in the past few months and has started using lots of 2 and 3 word phrases”


“I just want to let you know that my daughter has shown a big difference in her speech. She can now talk with less babbles, ask simple questions, express what she feels and more. Thanks for being an awesome SLP!”


Is this for YOU?

  • 14 months – 3.5 years.
  • Saying no words or just a few words.
  • Not imitating words consistently.
  • Frustrated because they can’t communicate.
  • Not sure if they should see a speech-pathologist, but want to do more.
  • On the waitlist to see a speech-pathologist.
  • Seeing a speech-pathologist, but you want more activities you can do from home.
  • To feel confident knowing you are doing the right thing to support your child’s development.


All of this would take me weeks to teach you in 1:1 sessions and cost over $1100.

You get unlimited access to all the videos, examples and resources for a fraction of the cost!

Get started today!

$197 USD

One-time payment.

  • Improve your child’s attention and motivation for learning new words
  • Increase your child’s ability to imitate your words
  • Go from frustration to communication
  • Sleep easy knowing you are boosting your toddler’s language everyday

Start helping your toddler right now, risk-free with our 30 day, 100% money back guarantee

No risk, 30-day guarantee.


How long is the course?
I know you’re busy, so you can complete the course at your own pace, just a few minutes at a time.

Will this help my child with autism/developmental delay?
Yes! The course targets the early communication skills that children with autism and other developmental delays tend to have difficulty with. While all the lessons will be helpful, pay special attention to lesson 2 (connect),  lesson 4 (imitating gestures), and lesson 6 (boosting single words).

How long do I have access for?
Forever! Of course I can’t help you if you don’t open the course, but there is no rush to get to it right away.

Does this course replace speech therapy?
No, I highly recommend seeing a Speech Language Pathologist as they will be able to assess your child’s overall language development and provide specific recommendations to help.

Do I need special toys or materials?
No! These strategies are meant to be used during your regular routine, with whatever you already have at home.

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